Hello again! Marian & I have just returned from America, where we attended a golf tour operators convention in Texas and then went on to visit California & Las Vegas to put the final touches to a new tour. It is shaping up to be an exciting tour, with stops in San Francisco, Monterey, Las Vegas and Palm Springs before flying home from Los Angeles. If you have ‘liked’ the Charlies Facebook page you would have seen some of the pictures we posted, not only of the golf courses we visited, but also of the Monterey Peninsula (And Pebble Beach Golf course) Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam.
Our group have returned from the Canadian Rockies tour and Alaskan cruise and have given rave reports of their time there. A report from the hosts, Mike & Sue is given below.
We know that some of you have already started planning your holidays for 2020. We have been hard at work preparing our range of tours for next year and the picture calendar at the end of the newsletter gives an overview of some stunning tours to come. Full itineraries and pricing are not available for everything yet, but they will be put up progressively.
We have finalised the Japan Golf Tour for May next year and full details are now available on the website. The tour will be an experience to remember, as the sights, sounds and culture of Japan are so different from our own. Come with an open mind and you will have a ball!